How to invest in appreciating assets to create your own financial freedom

7 years ago today, we took possession of a luxury 6-plex with 3 bedrooms / 2 bathrooms / underground indoor parking / central air for four of the units and the 2 bedrooms / 1 bathroom / central air for two of the units.

We acquired it for roughly $1 million after environmental fees ($965K + closing costs and fees) with ~$220K down. While most people assume this would be out of reach for nearly everyone, we borrowed the capital from the equity within our homes by using a home equity line of credit.

Many people take out home equity lines of credit to perform renovations, purchase trailers / luxury vehicles or to take luxury vacations. All of these purchases depreciate in value and/or eliminate wealth, so we chose to go against the norm and to transfer our equity into assets that appreciate instead.

In this timeframe of 7 years, having borrowed ~$220K from our home equity, we’ve paid interest of ~$42K on the loan (~$6K per year x 7 years). In that same timeframe the property has appreciated to a value of $1.5 million and our mortgage owed is now down around the ~$650K mark. Paying interest of $42K have earned us a return of $600K ($1.5 million value minus $650K mortgage minus $250K outstanding home equity line of credit). This investment has resulted in a whopping 1,300% return in just seven years!

Now, to acknowledge the unusual market conditions, we are acutely aware that this won’t always be the case; properties have appreciated at a ridiculous and unsustainable pace over the last several years; in fact our forecasts had us earning $300K less, which had that happened, it still would have been an incredible return. What were the assumptions we used to calculate our returns? We assumed historical averages of appreciation aligned w/ inflationary metrics.

I’m not sharing this to brag. I’m sharing it because I have family, friends, clients and investors that continue to be apprehensive to invest in their own financial future. If this helps even one person to take the first steps required to invest in their future selves, then this post was worth my time. Anyone could do this. It does require a bit of learning and some patient due diligence, but it is absolutely a worthwhile investment. The biggest barrier to us having ever taken this step was fear. Once we got over that, it’s been mostly smooth sailing.

The biggest lesson of all that we’ve learned on this journey is that if we had never taken these first steps to invest in our future selves, our net worth would be millions of dollars lower, we wouldn’t be in any position of financial independence and the only people who would have paid the cost of our inaction would have been ourselves.

If anyone takes anything out of this post today, stop procrastinating, write down your dreams, put a plan together and begin working towards it. Baby steps, one at a time, a little bit each day; believe me, if I can do it, so can anyone else. We’ve achieved our dreams, not because we did anything extraordinary, but because we took action, set our fears aside and moved forward a little bit at a time. Why wouldn’t you do the same? Your future situation depends on what you do today. Go get ’em tiger!

Retiring a Few Years Later Can Make All the Difference

compound interestOne of the most important lessons in investing is to learn about the power of compounding. In many cases, investing early and regularly can make all of the difference in the world.

Let’s take look at a chart that shows the impact of investing $100,000 by age 30 vs. investing $200,000 by age 45 (assuming 8% average return each year). As you can see, even though the second individual invested an additional $100,000, they will have nearly $600,000 less at the age of 65… that’s a breathtaking difference!

the power of compounding

Investing $100,000 at 30 years old vs. investing $200,000 at 45 years old

But what if you haven’t had the luxury of starting to invest early? What do you do then?

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It’s Just One Purchase… It’ll Only Irrevocably Change the Final 50 Years of My Life!

Investment DecisionsWhat can $100,000 buy you?

  • Home expansion / renovation (~500-750 sq. feet)
  • Luxury car & costs for 5 years (insurance, gas, maintenance, etc.)
  • Camping trailer, insurance & lot for 5 years

What can $100,000 earn you?

Alternately, if you deposited the $10,000 saved each year over the duration of 10 years instead of spending on one of the luxuries above and then earn an average return of 7.8% each year for the next 30 years you would own investments valued at $694,763.08.

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Financial freedom: Where Do I Begin?

Steps to Financial FreedomThe first step is to consider what area interests you the most; it’s always easier to choose something that you have some degree of interest in because you will be more likely to best absorb the materials and take action.

If you’re a beginner and not sure what area interests you most I recommend you read one of the following blogs I’ve written that are geared for beginners on these topics:


Financial freedom

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How to Make Realtors Want to Work With You When Buying Investment Real Estate

Relationship with realtorTaking the time to inform a realtor that you will not bid on a real estate investment opportunity and presenting him / her with the reasons why is an important step in the communication process for a number of reasons.  It helps you to create a relationship with the realtor based on trust, transparency and shows a respect for his / her time.

Showing a realtor that you are experienced and have a set of investment guidelines that you follow while also informing that the property doesn’t cashflow provides the required information for him /her to discuss with the seller and assess their flexibility.

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How to Perform a Real Estate Cashflow Analysis

This is what a real estate cashflow analysis looks like. It informs you of your up-front costs, assesses cashflow positivity with current and potential future scenarios, budgets appropriately for vacancy/repair/contingency and accounts for overhead costs even if they may be unrealized (e.g. property management, accounting, bookkeeping, etc.). It is also vital to highlight any assumptions and verify them in writing, absolutely no exceptions.

real estate cashflow analysis

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Save An Hour of Salary, Prevent a Day and a Half of Work in the Future

The power of saving and investingOver the last 112 years, the stock market has averaged an annualized return of 8.5%*.  If you were to invest a single dollar into the market and receive the average returns, in 30 years it will be worth $11.56 (see “The Power of Compounding”)!

Let’s translate this into a figure that will scorch an image into your mind that will hopefully transform your perception of the importance of saving and power investing.  Let’s talk in terms of something that keeps us away from doing what we want, when we want to.  Yes, that’s right… work!

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Start working for yourself without quitting your job!

Early RetirementWouldn’t you love to work for yourself?  Are you afraid to quit your job?  Surprisingly, you don’t have to!  You don’t even have to work any additional hours!  What am I talking about then?  It’s simple.  Start saving today!

Alright… at this point I’ve lost a solid percentage of my readers, individuals who simply aren’t willing to sacrifice their own “perceived happiness” just to save.  But hold up one minute there… what exactly is a sacrifice?

When I used to have to wait to purchase something I thought of it as a sacrifice as well, but as time has went on and wisdom has slowly creeped into my head I now realized that I had a threatening disease known as first-world slavery and that making the actual purchase is the sacrifice.  What?!  Am I completely nuts?  No, in fact I’m not!

Recover from these words, regain your composure and then continue reading my blog please.   It’s okay… you can do it.

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Quit gifting your financial freedom to the government

Financial freedomWhat if I told you that there is a legal way to pay less tax every year?  What if I told you that there was also a way to retire earlier and with more money than you would have if you continued down the path you’re on right now?  Would you take advantage of this?  Of course you would!  Well then keep reading and let’s get started…

Almost every individual has a tough time saving.  In fact, almost half of all individuals are living paycheck to paycheck… and sadly, this includes thousands of people making $100,000+ salaries!  Terrifying!

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Change The Way You Think About Purchases, Quit Being A Slave To Your Possessions

Slave to MoneyLast week one of my friends was talking to me about her weekend filled with her perceived much needed bout of “retail therapy”.  She talked about all the new clothes and shoes, and even more clothes that she bought!  She upgraded her iPhone to the latest version and she even managed to go out to both lunch and dinner twice!

We both know what happened after.  I completely lost it!  “Are you nuts?!” I exclaimed, “I cannot believe my ears!”.  She smiled and retorted in sarcasm, “I know… I know… I went a little overboard, but I work hard so I deserve it!”.  Ironies abound, what she didn’t realize was she was about to start working even harder just to cover the costs of all of these material possessions.  Believe me, I was once in this trap for several years of my life… I know this situation all too well.

After some coaxing I convinced her to reveal the details of her purchases over the weekend so that I can create a case study to present back to her (I got her permission to post it to my blog as well).  I just couldn’t take it that she was about to set herself up for decades of suffering and I had to at least try to pull her out of the trap of first-world slavery (self-inflicted by the lust for unnecessary physical possessions).

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